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Eligibility And Selection Process

Grand Juries: Understanding Their Role in the Justice System

Eligibility and Selection Process

To determine the eligibility of prospective jurors, the clerk of the court sends each a mandatory questionnaire to complete and return. This handbook will acquaint persons who have been selected to serve on a federal grand jury with the general nature and importance of their role as grand jurors.

Selection Criteria

Like trial jurors, grand jurors are citizens selected randomly from voter registrations and other sources. They may serve for up to 18 months but only need to appear in court for brief periods.

Function and Importance

Grand Jury Proceedings

Grand juries in the United States are groups of citizens empowered by United States federal or state law to conduct legal proceedings, chiefly investigating potential criminal conduct and determining whether to indict (formally charge) an individual or organization.


A jury of 12 to 23 individuals is assembled to evaluate accusations against a person or entity charged with a crime. Their purpose is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed with a trial.
