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Mean Absolute Error The Gold Standard For Regression Model Evaluation

Mean Absolute Error: The Gold Standard for Regression Model Evaluation

What is Mean Absolute Error (MAE)?

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is a statistical measure that calculates the average absolute difference between predicted values and actual values in a dataset. Unlike Mean Squared Error (MSE), which squares the differences, MAE maintains the original values of the differences, making it less sensitive to outliers.

Why is MAE Important?

MAE is a crucial metric for evaluating regression models because:

  • Simplicity: MAE is straightforward to calculate and interpret, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Robustness: MAE is less affected by extreme values compared to MSE, providing a more stable estimate of model performance.
  • Interpretability: MAE provides the average absolute difference in the same unit as the target variable, allowing for direct interpretation of model accuracy.

How to Calculate MAE

MAE is calculated as follows:

MAE = (1/n) * Σ(|Predicted Value - Actual Value|) where: - n is the number of observations 


MAE and MSE are both commonly used for regression model evaluation, but they have distinct characteristics:

  • Sensitivity to Outliers: MAE is less sensitive to outliers than MSE, making it a more suitable choice for datasets with extreme values.
  • Interpretability: MAE provides a more interpretable metric than MSE, as it represents the average absolute difference in the same unit as the target variable.
  • Mathematical Properties: MSE is based on squared differences, while MAE uses absolute differences, resulting in different mathematical properties and potential biases.


Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is a valuable metric for evaluating regression models due to its simplicity, robustness, and interpretability. It provides a stable estimate of model performance, is less affected by outliers, and allows for direct interpretation of accuracy. By understanding MAE and its advantages, you can make informed decisions when choosing evaluation metrics for your regression modeling projects.

Mean Absolute Error
